Adaptability can be demonstrated in a variety of ways, from working with people from diverse backgrounds and personalities, to changing your approach to achieving a goal.
Read MoreHow open and curious are you about doing things differently, when opportunities are either presented to you or even forced upon you by circumstances beyond your control?
How easily to you make the decision to go with the flow? Or do you resist it too much?
Read MoreHow will your life be better when you choose to become a more Resilient Leader? What will you have more of, that will be useful and helpful for you? A key benefit is an Optimistic mindset which enables Leaders to be genuinely hopeful about overcoming their challenges.
Read MoreAre you thriving or surviving? How Optimistic do you feel about overcoming your challenges? How well do you Communicate with your team?
These behaviours and many others are part of being a Resilient Leader.
Read MoreA Coaching Culture enables a learning culture, which improves positive challenge, quality decision making, open mindedness, curiosity, diversity and inclusion, to name a few! All of these also have a beneficial impact upon, personal, team and organisational Resilience!
Read MoreIn a perfect world, implementing a Coaching Culture should start at the top in order that it can then flow through the Organisation. A Coaching Culture is a Learning Culture, which in turn enables a Resilient Organisation. As Resilience is about Springing Forward with Learning.
Read MoreHow do you ensure that your People are a significant element of your competitive advantage? A Coaching Culture, will enable this.
Read MoreThe benefits of proactive Resilience include improved Team working, Improved Wellbeing, Improved Situational Awareness and improved productivity, to name a few……
Read MoreDemonstrating proactive Resilience requires a mixture of being curious, connecting dots and testing your theories, as well as a few more…..
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